Once your residence permit has been approved, the next step is to register your fingerprints at the police station (Comisaría de Policía Nacional).
In this article we will guide you through the procedure step by step, and tell you which documents you need to bring with you.
Table of Contents
1. How do I apply for an appointment for fingerprinting?
First of all, in order to request an appointment, you must access the official website via by clicking on the following link.
Then you must follow the following steps:
Step 1: Choose the province where you live:
After clicking “Aceptar”, you will go to a page that gives information on all the required documents and links to the relevant application forms.
Step 3: Enter your personal details.
Step 4. Choose the day and time for your appointment.
Unfortunately, in many provinces it is very difficult to find available appointments. So you will have to continuously check the website, and repeat the above procedure, until you find an available appointment.
2. What documents do I need to Bring to register my fingerprints?
- Copy of the appointment confirmation .
- Completed and signed EX 17 Form + copy. You can download this form here.
- Original passport, which must be valid (and a complete copy).
- 3 updated passport format photos (i.e., in colour with white background and facing front)
- Empadronamiento (census registration) + copy. For initial applications and for renewals if you have changed your address.
- Copy of the resolution of the immigration office granting you a residence permit.
- Fee 790-012. You will need to fill out the fee online, download it to your computer, and then pay it at any bank.
- If the applicant is under 18, she must be accompanied by her documented legal representative (father, mother, or guardian).
- In the case of a family reunification card, the applicant must be accompanied by the family member who was already in Spain with her original card
3. Specific requirements for Digital Nomad Visa fingerprinting appointment.
The procedure for the Digital Nomad Visa fingerprinting appointment is similar to the procedure explained above. However, there are two important points to note:
- Type of appointment. After selecting the province where you live, you should check whether the following appointment is available in TRAMITES POLICIA NACIONAL: “POLICIA- EXPEDICIÓN DE TARJETAS CUYA AUTORIZACIÓN RESUELVE LA DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE MIGRACIONES”. If this type of appointment is available, you must select it. This is the case, for example, in the provinces of Madrid, Barcelona and the Balearic Islands. If this type of appointment is not available, you must follow the procedure described above.
- Application form. After selecting the type of appointment you should carefully read the documentation required for the day of the appointment. Because some provinces, the Immigration Office requires for Digital Nomads the MI-TIE form instead of the EX17 form. You can download it at the following link.
4. How do I collect my TIE after the fingerprinting?
Once your fingerprints have been registered, you will be given a receipt (resguardo) confirming that you have successfully completed the process.
Normally, after fingerprinting, your TIE will be available for collection in about 40 days. At the fingerprinting appointment you will be informed when you should pick up your TIE.
To make an appointment to collect your TIE, you must go to the same website and follow the same procedure as for the fingerprinting appointment. The only difference is that you must select “POLICÍA- RECOGIDA DE TARJETA DE IDENTIDAD DE EXTRANJERO (TIE)”
What documents do you need to bring on the day of the appointment?
To collect your TIE at the police station you will need to present the following documents:
- Original passport.
- Copy of the appointment confirmation.
- The document given to you in the Toma de Huellas TIE appointment (resguardo).
In any case, when you select on the website the procedure you wish to carry out and for which you are requesting an appointment, the next page that will be loaded on the platform will specify the documents to be provided on the day of the appointment exactly according to the procedure in question.
If you need legal assistance in order to apply for your TIE, please do not hesitate to contact us today.