For individuals who have established strong personal or social ties in Spain, the country offers residency permits based on their exceptional circumstances. These permits provide a pathway to legal residency for those who have integrated into Spanish society through family connections, long-term residence, or significant social and labor contributions. The arraigo residency permits are designed for individuals who, despite their irregular immigration status, can demonstrate deep-rooted connections in Spain, offering them the opportunity to regularize their situation.

Types of arraigo
- Social Arraigo: For individuals who have resided in Spain for at least 3 years and have family ties or a job offer.
- Labor Arraigo: For those who can prove a work relations of at least 6 months in Spain and have resided in the country for 2 years.
- Family Arraigo: For people who have any type of link with a Spanish citizen.
- Studies Arraigo: For individuals who have resided in Spain for at least 2 years and seek professional training as a means of integration.

Main benefits
- Regularisation of status. Allows persons in an irregular situation to obtain legal residence in Spain.
- Right to work: depending on the type of arraigo, you will be authorised to work.
- Family reunification. The arraigo facilitates reunification with family members in Spain.
- Free movement within the Schengen Area. Those who obtain a residence permit for social roots can travel within the Schengen Area without the need to obtain additional visas.
- Possibility of applying for Spanish nationality by residence.
This is how we can support you
We make sure the documents meet all requirements
This is the essential step to ensure a succesful application process. We have extensive experience on the formal and contet requirements of the documents.
We file the application on your behalf
If you apply from Spain we can do the whole application process on your behalf without you having to lift a finger. Also, in many cases it has some additional benefits like more transparent criterias or longer duration for your residency permits.
We won’t stop until you have your residence card (TIE)
The immigration process does not end until you have your Residence Card (TIE) Our services include support with the census registration process and the residence card application.